
Parts of ms word
Parts of ms word

parts of ms word

Select one sentence: Press Ctrl + down arrow anywhere in a sentence.

parts of ms word

Select a word: To select a word double-click the left mouse button. Selecting a text: To select a text, click on the text by holding the left mouse button and move the mouse from the beginning to the end of the text then release the left mouse button. Prior to text formatting, first, you have to select it. Rulers – include a horizontal and a vertical ruler located above and to the left of the interface.Status Bar – This displays information about the current insertion point position in a document.Horizontal and vertical navigation bars (sliders) – This helps to slide through the documents.Insertion point – It is a position in the document where the cursor is flashing.

parts of ms word

  • Desktop – Area or space where we can type text, insert an object etc.
  • Few options will be greyed out denoting that tools cannot be applied to a selected object.
  • The additional options are displayed by clicking on the arrow in their lower right corner.
  • There are a few commands that are hidden.
  • Tabs – these are options available on MS – word for formatting and adding value to any document.
  • Title Bar – We can see the name of the document along with extension (.docx) and a program name.
  • Window manipulation buttons – these buttons are used to change the size of the screen usually to minimize, maximize or close a window.
  • Let us discuss the interface elements of MS – Word:
  • These are helpful in large scale as well as in small-scale industries which in the past were documented in papers.
  • The main use of Microsoft word is that users can type with and save those documents, as it is a graphical word processing.
  • A word document file can contain formatted text, images, tables, graphs, charts, page formatting, colouring a text, highlighting text and print settings.
  • parts of ms word

    MS – Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.

    Parts of ms word